Tuesday, June 5, 2018

What's New? ARBICO Organics featured in Professional Marijuana Grower May - June Issue!

Here at ARBICO, we are starting out the summer of 2018 with some exciting news - our company is featured as the cover story for the May-June 2018 issue of Professional Marijuana Grower!

Professional Marijuana Grower provides information and solutions for serious cultivators. In this article, they highlight what environmentally safe integrated pest and pathogen controls are and what they can do for a cannabis grow. In addition, they provide a snapshot of what Integrated Pest Management is and explain how to use predatory mites and other beneficial insects as well as beneficial nematodes. With this knowledge in hand, the professional grower can then determine what is best for their grow.

Green Lacewing Larva - Chrysoperla rufilabris
An additional feature of the article is a section on commonly made mistakes, “The problem with treating a pathogen or pest insect with a chemical pesticide is that, in most cases, the grower is simply treating the symptoms and not dealing with the source of the problem.” (Professional Marijuana Grower, May/June 2018) Integrated Pest Management is, at its core, about getting to the source of a problem.

We appreciate Professional Marijuana Grower for sharing this information and are honored to have been shown such confidence in our expertise. We encourage you to not only read this article, but to subscribe to Professional Marijuana Grower and take advantage of all they have to offer. 

Are you looking for an Integrated Pest Management Plan for your grow? We have a dedicated staff of specialists ready to help you make the best selection of natural products to help protect and boost your grow.

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