Matrix Gardening (aka Meadowscaping) – This gardening style is the inevitable answer to an increased awareness of sustainability and climate change. Matrix gardening was developed in Germany as a way to revive urban landscapes after World War II and the concept has changed little since then. The idea is to populate areas (large or small) with plants that thrive synergistically to form a cohesive ecosystem that conserves water, naturally discourages weeds and requires minimal upkeep. In a backyard garden, instead of filling your planters and flower beds with annuals from the big box store, you’d choose plants and flowers that are native or at least compatible to your area. This concept can create a beautiful yard year-round. And since you’d be free from the limited supply at your local store, you’d be free to experiment with a wide variety of new-to-you plants.

Pollinator-Friendly and Allergen-Free Planting - As an extension of the above ideas, planting with intention beyond the eco-friendly is gaining popularity. Many people want to consider bees and other pollinators when planning a garden, while others want to reduce seasonal allergy suffering by not growing plants that create allergens. A word of caution before deciding on plants: Sometimes the plants you may think are the problem allergies-wise are the same plants that pollinators love. Always research your area to make the proper decisions before planting or removing plants. Here is an interactive pollen map of the U.S. that can help. For additional information on pollinator-planting, here’s a blog I wrote on the subject. By the way, Martha Stewart recommends this bee-friendly plant.

White Picket Fences – It seems the more forward-thinking and tech-y our world becomes, the more nostalgic people become. The “good old days” may not have been as good as people think, but there are some vintage garden elements that have undeniable appeal. Case in point: the white picket fence. Replacing your current fence with a new one may not be feasible, but these types of fences make excellent accent pieces and look great with vining flowers all over them. Add a few feet somewhere and feel the hominess of it all.
Antique Pots – This is another old-timey thing that has come back to be on trend. Instead of using regular plastic or terracotta pots, you could rummage around in antique and thrift stores and look for something that your grandmother or great-mother would have had in her yard. If that's not your thing, there are lots of pots to be had that are faux antique. Here’s a quick google search to give you an idea of the virtually endless options.
Statues, Arbors & Fountains – These design elements have never really gone out of style and this year they’re especially hot. In the midst of your meadowscape, add eye-catching piece, or set a pair of statues at an entrance (pairs always look good). An arbor is almost-irresistible invitation to enter, and what a delight it would be to find a fountain at the end of that garden path.Whatever you choose to do with your outside space, try to keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to simply enjoy it. Spend less money and effort fixing it up and more time just sitting in it.
Submitted by Pam
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