Squash Vine Borer Larva |
Squash vine borers have figured out how to drive gardeners and growers crazy. Their sneaky and hidden ways can devastate all your squash plants before you realize it’s too late. Even when you realize you have a problem, they are already inside the stems of your squash plants, and there is little you can do to save your plants.
However, there is hope in preventing them from destroying this year’s bounty of squash. This article offers proven, eco-friendly methods to prevent these pests from ruining your squash crops.
We’ll learn more about:
- The life cycle of squash vine borers
- Effective strategies to keep them out of our squash
- Early detection techniques for better management
Let’s begin by exploring the life cycle of squash vine borers, which is key to effective management.
Squash Vine Borer: Lifecycle and Impact
Identification and
Adult Squash Vine Borer |
Adults are colorful moths that emerge from the soil in the end of spring. The moths have metallic green forewings and clear hindwings that are often folded and tucked away when they land.
Females will lay their eggs in early spring at the base of squash plants. Approximately one week later, these eggs hatch, and the larvae immediately burrow into the plant stems. Inside, they begin consuming the core, disrupting water flow and causing the leaves to wilt. Severe damage can result in the death of the plant.
After feeding for 4-6 weeks, the squash vine borer drills a hole out of the stem, and will pupate in the soil. It stays in its cozy cocoon until the next spring or summer. Most squash vine borers will only have one generation each year. However, populations in the south can often have two.Damage and Symptoms
Squash Vine Borer Damage
It’s often hard to tell that you have a problem, until the
damage is done. The biggest sign is that your squash plants are all-of-sudden wilting. This will begin happening in full sun, and if the problem isn’t corrected, you should see the wilting in the mornings too.
Look for bore holes at the base of plants, along with
sawdust-like frass (or insect feces). The base of the plant may start to rot or
feel soft. If you notice these symptoms, then you need to start treatment
options and prevention for next year’s squash.
Eco-friendly Methods to Control Squash Vine Borer Populations
It can seem daunting to prevent or kill squash vine borers.
However, with a few proactive strategies, you can keep your squash in full
production for longer.
Monitoring and Trapping
Before you start planning out your treatment strategies
against squash vine borers, it’s important you know you have a problem first.
Begin by setting out pheromone
traps for adult moths. These lures can also be helpful in reducing the
number of eggs laid on your squash plants. It’s also been
shown that using pheromone traps can reduce the amount of pesticides used
to control squash vine borers.
Sometimes you can’t catch all the female moths ready to lay
eggs. However, you can prevent them from getting to your squash plants. Row
covers will prevent females from getting access to the base of your plants
and prevent them from laying eggs.
You can also wrap the base of each individual plant with
aluminum foil or panty house to prevent larvae from burrowing into the stems.
Organic Insecticides
Organic treatments
such as spinosad, azadirachtin, and Beauveria
bassiana have been used effectively to control squash vine borer
populations. These organic insecticides significantly reduce infestation
levels, providing a robust defense against squash vine borers while adhering to
organic agricultural standards.
However, these are only effective against adult moths and
won’t affect larvae once they are inside the squash plant.
Bacillus thuringiensis
Bacillus thuringiensis is a very effective treatment
against moth and butterfly pests. You can even use it against larvae that have
already dug into a stem. You will need to inject the Bt
product into the stem or applied as a foliar spray. This can be an effective way
to treat squash vine borers once they are already growing in your plants.
Another interesting tactic is to target the pupating moths
that are in the ground. To do that, you can use a beneficial
nematode product. The nematodes will seek out any pupae in the ground and
infect them. This is a great way to prevent any new outbreaks of squash vine
Squash vine borers can be tricky to control if you don’t get
the timing of their emergence and egg-laying just right. Even if you aren’t
100% effective in stopping egg laying, there are still a few options to keep
your squash harvest abundant this year. - Grant @ ARBICO Organics